It's a wonderful world of fashion!

Welcome everyone to my first blog. My name is Michelle and this is the beginning construction of my work so I am a newbie to all of this. Once I figure out all the corks and screws to the world of blogging I should have a really cool site for you all to see and enjoy. My blog will have a representation of fashion looks from all over the world to see what people are wearing and the latest trends. Since I haven't had a chance to travel around the world so see the different trends I figured for now why not do a virtual travel to check it out and share to you all. Wish me luck on my voyage! Each week I will try and post at least one look from a new country. Ciao~


This is me!

Lady Gaga and her "meat dress"

Who wore it better?

Who wore it better?

Fashion Capital of the World

Fashion Capital of the World

Kardashian Sisters

Kardashian Sisters

Uggs and a North Face!

Uggs and a North Face!

Who wore it better #2

Who wore it better #2

My new boots

My new boots

Royal Princesses

Royal Princesses

Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nächster Halt, Deutschland ( Next stop, Germany)

Check out the new pictures I've posted for looks from the country of Germany. Genießen Sie! (Enjoy).

Madonna - Vogue MTV

Strike a Pose! This song is a classic and I think it fits in perfectly with my fashion scheme so I thought I'd share it. You have to love Madonna :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

It's that time of year again. Corn beef, green beer and Irish folk music. I love it! What will everyone be wearing this St. Patrick's Day?? Check out the link below to get some cool ideas if you're looking to get festive this year. 

This one is for the men!

Can clothes attract women to men? The answer to this one is absolutely. If your style catches her eye, she'll be more interested in getting to know you more but it is also important for the guy to be comfortable in what he is wearing. So don't dress like someone else because it will attract the kind of women you want, dress in clothes that make you feel like yourself.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring? You there?

I'm thinking of the first warm spring day, I can't deal with the cold anymore so I'm thinking warm happy thoughts. So what's the perfect spring outfit?? Mine would have to be a pair of skinny jeans, flip flops and a cute tank top with a new spring bag of course. :0) I can't wait to put away all my sweaters and bulky winter coats.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Meat dress

What do you all think of Lady Gagas meat dress she wore at the VMA awards?? I know this created alot of buzz and issues, and why wouldn't it? She was wearing meat for a dress! But according to her on USA Today, she did this to fight for human rights because she thinks that humans are being treated like animals and was trying to make a statement. She was not trying to be disrespectful at all towards vegans or vegetarians. I added a picture on my site of her in the dress for you all to see if you havn't seen it already.

Fashion tip anyone??

Each week I will be posting a new fashion tip for all you women out there (and I will try and include some for the guys, I don't want to leave you out of course). So my first tip for this week is, don't worry if separates don't match exactly. The tonal variations are a great alternative adding some creativity. This is something I always worry about, wearing black with blue or black and brown but I guess it's ok to do it. What do you think about this tip?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Devil Wears Prada. Trailer

Women's looks from Poland

Alright my first looks are posted! Check them out and let me know what you think. I must say the girls dress stylish with their cute dresses and heels. Also, listen to some music while previewing the looks from the music downloader I added.